Book of Magickal Thinking

Plant Your Witchy Garden

Plant Your Witchy Garden

By incorporating plants like marigold, lavender, and other low-maintenance varieties, we witches can nurture a natural space that not only supports own craft, but also promotes our well-being and mental...

Setting Up A Witchy Altar Space

Setting Up A Witchy Altar Space

Your altar is your haven for magick, a tangible expression of your spiritual journey and beliefs. It's where you can intimately connect with the divine, perform rituals, cast spells, and...

Spells for Solitary Witches

Spells for Solitary Witches

Solitary witchcraft is itโ€™s own sacred space where the journey is not just a set of rituals and creating magick for magickโ€™s sake, but a profound exploration of the self.

The Power of Fehu

The Power of Fehu

One of the runes that is associated with Freyja, the Norse goddess of War, of Magick, of Love, Sex and Beauty. is Fehu, which symbolizes wealth and abundance.ย 

Connecting With Your Craft In Our Busy Lives

Connecting With Your Craft In Our Busy Lives

In our general quest to balance the mystical with the mundane, we often find ourselves juggling dead herbs and deadlines, cauldrons and conference calls. It's a dance between casting circles...

Spells For Eclectic Witches

Spells For Eclectic Witches

Picture your path in Eclectic Witchcraft as a vast and welcoming forest, where the trees are different traditions, the plants are various beliefs, and the creatures are the practices and...

Samhain Divination Tips

Samhain Divination Tips

Itโ€™s pretty common for witches to suggest to each other to use divination at Samhain, as a way to deepen your relationship to your magick, your ancestors and the other...

Are You a Lunar Witch?

Are You a Lunar Witch?

Being a Lunar witch means being in tune with the cycles of the moon and working your magick in line with its phases.ย 

What Is An Eclectic Witch?

What Is An Eclectic Witch?

Being an eclectic witch means to enjoy practising methods of witchcraft across all paths, taking the best of what you find works for you along the way, and creating something...