Our Favorite Podcasts for The Modern Witch

Our Favorite Podcasts for The Modern Witch

The modern world moves fast. It’s like we’re always on the go to another social engagement, class, or appointment. Though there’s no replacement for studying with good old fashioned pen and paper, podcasts can help fill your spare moments with magick. There are thousands of podcasts out there and it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the virtual sea of information so we gathered our top 5 choices to get you started:

The Witch Wave

There’s never a dull moment with the lovely Pam Grossman, host of this deep-diving podcast. With diverse guests like Madeline Miller, author of the bestselling epic novel CIRCE and Jessyka Winston of Haus of Hoodoo, Grossman digs deep into a wide array of topics of interest in the witchy and new age community. This isn’t your mother’s podcast! Be prepared for tons of information delivered in a cool, witty package. We're also eagerly waiting for Pam's new book "Waking the Witch : Reflections on Women, Magic and Power", out in June 2019!

 HiPPiE WiTCH: Magick For A New Age

With host Joanna DeVoe’s hilarious and joyful delivery, it’s easy to forget you’re being served up a deep well of knowledge. This binge-worthy podcast gives you an in-depth look at topics like gratitude, witchcraft on a budget, moon magick, the law of attraction and more. Join DeVoe in the exploration of life wisdom, witchy tips, and the more pragmatic side of spirituality. She also has a Patreon account (which we support!) for those who cannot get enough of her uplifting wisdom and joyful living of life including a tier for witchy writers!

Strange Magic Podcast

Sarah Faith Gottesdiener (author of the popular Many Moons Workbook) and Amanda Yates Garcia’s in-depth look at subjects like tarot, magick, ritual, and archetypes is softened by their amazing chemistry and witty style. This dynamic duo has the ability to distill complex topics into easy-to-understand, bite-sized pieces. With these experienced witches strange magick feels a little less… well, strange.


Spunky ladies Samantha Fey and Deb Bowen shed light on the psychic world and other esoteric topics like energy vampires, clearing your chakras, crystals, and even UFOs. If you’ve always felt you have some psychic ability, Fey and Bowen are here to help you embrace your gift as they have. With as many laughs as there are knowledge bombs, it’s a little too easy to binge-listen to this insightful podcast.

I AM Goddess Collective

We are truly in the time of feminine uprising. Not just women, but feminine energy in general. Nixie Marie calls upon Modern Mystic Women around the world to join her every Tuesday to step into their power and embrace their Goddess-self. Marie delivers a magickal blend of female empowerment, entrepreneurship, metaphysics, and spirituality. Connect ancient wisdom with modern living with this heartfelt podcast.

There are many more phenomenal podcasts we could have included here and we'll probably highlight more in future blog posts. We chose these podcasts because they’re the perfect blend of information, accessibility, and fun with practical knowledge for modern life.

What podcasts do you listen to, to get your magick on-the-go? Send us your recs in the comments!



ADORE Jo Devoe! <3 Great list, I look forward to giving the others a listen.


Nice! Thank you so much. :)

Blessed Be Magick

Thank you Lorenza – we’ll definitely be checking that podcast out!

Lorenza Zebell

Missing Witches!

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