It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, we’re not talking about Christmas. It’s Yule!
There must be something truly magickal about this time, because cultures all over the world have created their own traditions and holidays to celebrate. But, today we’re shining a light on our favorite winter sabbat.
What is Yule?
Yule marks Winter Solstice (Dec 20-23), the longest night of the year and the sun’s return to the sky. What better occasion for a party than longer days and shorter nights?
Within the pagan community, there are different beliefs surrounding Yule. Some believe this holiday signifies the Goddess giving birth to the Sun God. Others believe it marks the battle of the Holly King and Oak King. The Holly King, who rules over darkness, surrenders his life to the Oak King, who rules over light, so light can return to the Earth.
One more story? Okay! Some tell of the journey of the Sun King bringing light to the world. As he travels across the sky, the days get longer.
No matter which story you tell by the fireside, this sabbat is all about bringing light back to the world.
How’s that for some yuletide joy?
How should we celebrate Yule?
We encourage you to celebrate the solstice surrounded by friends and family (virtually or at a distance if you're reading this in the pandemic era), enjoying excellent food, performing acts of goodwill, and reflecting on the year behind you.
Want some more ideas? Keep on reading below for some specifics.
Add a little green to your home

From holly to wreaths, and, yes, even that Christmas tree. Surrounding yourself with greenery during Yule symbolizes hope and the promise of spring. To maximize the merriment, plan a wreath decorating party with friends and family! You can even host your craft party on Zoom so you’re social distancing.
Spring Solstice cleaning
Break out the cleaning supplies and donation bags, it’s time to make room for amazing things to come into your life. This is also a great time to break out the sage and cleanse your home of old, stagnant energy.
Magickal gifts
Yes, you still get (and give) gifts for Yule. The emphasis here is on very thoughtful gift-giving. Another chance to host a craft party! If you’re craft-challenged and prefer to purchase a present, stick with natural gifts like crystals, essential oils, candles, and plants.
You could also send your loved ones a Yule eCard! We've created one here for you:
Create a Yule altar
This is a beautiful way to honor the spirit of Yule. Each altar looks different, of course, but many of them include symbols of Yule such as evergreen branches, pinecones, candles, holiday colors, symbols of the sun, winter symbols, fruits and nuts, and bells.
Meditate on it
Meditation means different things to different people. Sure, you could sit cross-legged on the floor chanting. You could also try a guided meditation that focuses on an intention that resonates with you. We love moving meditation! You can walk, dance, or even make tea as a form of moving meditation. However you decide to meditate be fully present and intentional.
This has been quite a year - a true rollercoaster. This year, more than others, allow Yule to be a time that reminds you of the beautiful moments, people, and things in your life. We, at Blessed Be Magick, wish you a truly magickal (and safe) Yule!
Blessed Be!
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